Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Acropolis

Wow. Just let me say, WOW!! We went to the Acropolis today and saw the Parthenon, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erecthion and other monuments. It was an incredible feeling. This was such a spiritual place for so many years and I think it still is. The monuments and the history of the place is wonderful. I really do not have the words to describe how it felt to be there today. I think I took about 80 pictures today. (I will NOT post all of them here) We had terrific weather today but it got a little hot up there.

We also visited the ancient Agora which was the heart of ancient Athens and also the place where Greek democracy was first practiced. The amount of artifacts that are just under the soil in this town are amazing. It seems they are everywhere. Even the Metro has displays underground of all the artifacts they found while they were building it.

Tomorrow we are off to Napflion which is on the coast. Our trip has really just started and I have already learned so much!!


a campbell said...

Wow is right. What an incredible experience! Enjoy and keep taking lots of pictures.

Jan Ray said...

Dr. H. sent everyone your blog address today, so we could watch your adventure unfold . . . and indeed it is doing just that. I learned about the Acropolis and Parthenon in art history, but reading your impression of the ruins makes it so much more real and exciting. What a great experience you are having! Thanks for sharing it with us. Will check in for some new shots tomorrow!