Friday, June 13, 2008


Now we are in the second largest city in Greece, Thessaloniki. Here you can find awesome examples of Byzantine structures, especially churches. We visited museums of the finds from the area as well as one specializing in Byzantine culture and art. This was the era where icon painting began. Icons are still included in Greek Orthodox churches. They are used as something to concentrate on in prayer to help reach a peaceful state while medidtating/praying.

We also saw examples of some wonderful mosaic art. I especially liked those. I like the intricate way the images are made with different colored tiles. It is amazing how they come together to make a full picture.

We have found that the workers in all museums watch visitors very closely to ensure they do not touch or damage the artifacts and the art. I can cerainly understand the need for this but some of them seem a little over-zealous! I guess they are just doing their job.

Thessaloniki is the sweets capitol of Greece.
We tasted some wonderful chocolates that our guide bought for us. Decadent! I may buy some to bring back if I can find that shop again. Well, I cannot guarantee they would actually make it back...

More on our visit to the American Farm School in a couple of days. We will be without computer access for a day or two.

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