Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Night Before

So here it is, the day before I leave on my big six week trip. I am not entirely sure the time I will be gone has sunk in yet. I am very excited and probably won't get much sleep tonight. I am a bit like a little kid in that respect. I still sleep poorly the night before the first day of school. And I'm the teacher. Oh, well. I guess that is normal.

I have been slowly packing for the last week or so hoping I won't forget anything. Now I can't remember what I have packed and what I have not. I should have taken photos of each layer of the suitcase as I packed so I could go back and check. Packing everything you need for 6 weeks is much harder than packing for 10 days. At least I don't have to pack winter clothes that take up so much space.

Some of the other participants and I have been emailing back and forth so I am anxious to meet them in Chicago and find out more about the projects we are all planning based on this trip. Our itinerary shows lots of work and study time. I suppose we will also have some time to immerse ourselves into the culture. I look forward to all of it, hard work and all.

I guess I better go and check my suitcase again. The dogs tried to get into it but I don't think they would make it through customs. Besides, they have to stay home and take care of Rik. More thoughts from Chicago.

1 comment:

DrDave said...

Did you make it to Chicago? Apparently there were some BIG storms there today.